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Archive for May, 2006

May '06

All Right…

Albus Dumbledore You scored 78% Maturity, 87% Goodness, and 69% Abilities! You are wise, smart and kind. You’re the closest thing Harry’s had to a father-figure. I don’t know what else to say about Dumbledore, except he’s got an odd sense of humor. You scored highest in all categories. Way to go. My test tracked […]

May '06

The Anti-Corey…

At 8:06 this morning, my sister-in-law, Melyssa gave birth to a 7lb baby girl. Pure awesomeness. It’s a little wierd to think of my brother as a dad. At the same time though it’s kinda cool. My brother wasn’t necessarily a wild young man, but he certainly had his adventures. So the idea of him […]

May '06

Come See…

I’m in this. It’s gonna be fun. Hope to see everyone there! And by everyone I mean the entire world…

May '06

Like A Child…

So I’ve been in the market for another classic car. Only this time, I’ve promised myself and those helping me with the search that I’ll be patient. I’ve promised not to want every car I look at. This is a difficult task. Probably the most difficult for me. Patience while shopping for large items has […]

May '06


May '06

If I Were President…

FDR You scored 16 Positive, 6 Negative, 16 Active, and 6 Passive! The man who led the country out of the Great Depression, Franklin D. Roosevelt is revered by many historians as America’s greatest president. You involve yourself, and look to act as such in a very high way. You are a beacon of hope, […]